Senior Photo Session Secrets: 6 Tips for a Successful Senior Photoshoot


Are you feeling nervous about your senior photo session? You're not alone! Many seniors come to me worried about forgetting something or feeling unprepared. But don't worry, I'm here to help!


Here are six tips to make sure you're ready for your big day.

1) Start a Senior Session Pinterest Board: Create a Pinterest board specifically for your senior photo session. Collect photos of hair and makeup styles that you love, as well as outfit ideas. When you book with Mariela Ryan Photography, you'll have multiple looks, so this will help you remember the different styles you like. Plus, it's a fun way to get excited for your session!

2) Pair Your Accessories with Each Outfit: Accessories are often forgotten on session day, but they can make a big difference in your photos! Before your session, put together a Ziploc bag or accessory pouch for each outfit you're wearing. This way, you'll know exactly what jewelry goes with each outfit.


3) Put Each Full Outfit on One Hanger: Instead of putting each piece of clothing on a separate hanger, put each complete outfit on one hanger. This will help you see your clothes put together as whole collections instead of just individual pieces. You'll be able to quickly see if you're missing anything for each outfit.

4) Bring Snacks and Water: Don't forget to bring snacks and water to your session! You'll want to stay hydrated and energized throughout the shoot. Bring your favorite snacks and a water bottle to keep you going.

5) Get plenty of rest: It's important to be well-rested for your senior session, so you look and feel your best. Try to get a good night's sleep the night before, and avoid staying up too late or consuming caffeine or sugar, which can interfere with your sleep quality.

6) Bring Your Bestie: Why not bring your best friend along for the ride? They can help you with your hair, makeup, and accessories, and sharing this experience with your bestie is fun! Plus, having your best friend by your side can help you feel more relaxed and confident during your shoot.


Remember, your senior photo session is meant to be a fun and exciting experience! By following these tips, you can help ensure a smooth and stress-free session day. And most importantly, be yourself and have fun!

I'm committed to making sure that every senior feels confident, comfortable, and beautiful during their session. Contact me today to book your senior session and let's create some amazing photos together!

With Love,
