Why a professional headshot is your best marketing tool

headshot crystal lake Illinois Mariela Ryan Photography

Let’s be real! I know it can feel awkward getting your photo taken, but when was the last time you updated your profile photo? I’m not talking about your best friend using a cell phone camera to take your headshot or that selfie you took in the car but a real professional photo.

In today’s ever-changing business environment, we are surrounded by images more than ever before and this makes first impressions even more important. Your image online is often the first interaction potential clients will have with you or your business. A professional business headshot, with proper lighting, posing, and setting will go far in differentiating you from your competition.


Showing the person behind the business, and I mean you 😊, is key to connecting with potential clients or employers. It just takes a few seconds for someone you encounter, whether in person or on social media, to form a general opinion of you. I know it sounds superficial but that is human nature. How do you want to be perceived?

Quote Jeff Bezos headshot Crystal Lake Illinois Mariela Ryan Photography.jpg

Keep in mind that people are more likely to do business with those they know, like, and trust. So why not put your best foot… I mean, best shot forward with a professional portrait!

Lucky for you, photography is my jam and here are the top 5 reasons why you should have a professional headshot:

headshot crystal lake Illinois Mariela Ryan Photography
  1. Look the Part:  A high-quality professional headshot is an investment in your personal brand.  It shows you at your very best and the way you want to be perceived by others. It shows that you are a serious professional and take pride in your business. If you are a professional in your field, then you need a professional headshot.

  2. First impressions, make it count: According to an article by Forbes Magazine, you have 7 seconds to make a first impression. It doesn't matter what business you are in, a poor quality image screams of carelessness and lack of attention to detail. Why not make that first impression count with a great headshot that represents you and your business.

  3. Make a Connection: By including an outstanding professional photo on your website and social media profiles, you allow people to put a face to a name, you create a connection, and build credibility. At the end of the day, people want to do business with other people and not a company or corporation.

  4. Set yourself apart from your competition: When you capitalize on high-quality headshots your potential clients or employers immediately recognize that you are serious about your business. It will make people take a closer look and want to learn more about what you do. Don’t sell yourself short by using a poor quality cell phone image.

  5. Provide consistency across all platforms: In today’s digital age, we do business through multiple mediums so you need a professional headshot that targets your audience and attracts your ideal client. Now more than ever your headshot is being included in websites, newsletters, brochures, business cards, blogs, and social media. Having consistency throughout all these platforms gives power to your message and has a greater lasting impression.

headshot crystal lake Illinois Mariela Ryan Photography
headshot crystal lake Illinois Mariela Ryan Photography
headshot crystal lake Illinois Mariela Ryan Photography
headshot crystal lake Illinois Mariela Ryan Photography

I want to end by reminding you to keep your headshot up to date. I know you might be tempted to use that 5-year-old photo where you look younger, but the last thing you want is for a client not to recognize you because your headshot does not accurately reflect who you are now.  It comes across as confusing and misleading.

Friend, I hope you find all these reasons convincing and that they motivate you to update your headshot.  If you have questions or need guidance on getting that perfect headshot for your profile photo, I’m always here to help you.

With Love,


professional headshots best marketing tool crystal lake illinois mariela ryan photography